Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chickens, Bees, and Drip Tape


I arrived at the farm at 10:00. Kat guided me through the chicken chores that I will take over and begin my mornings with for the rest of senior project. The chicken chores include cleaning the three chicken coops, refilling the food and water, and collecting eggs. I am really falling in love with the chickens. There is just something about chickens that makes me laugh. Perhaps it's the way they bob their heads or the sounds they make. After working with the chickens we did some field work and set up drip tape and black plastic on two rows that Kat will plant later in the season. The drip tape will eventually water the plants and the black plastic keeps the soil warm, holds in the moisture, and prevents weeds from growing. We then transplanted several trays of flower seedling in the greenhouse before stopping for lunch. At lunch Kat explained biodynamic agriculture and planting by phases of the moon. After lunch we transplanted Kale and Collards into the field and set up a reemay row cover. 2400 bees we putting into two bee hives at the end of the field last night. Kat and I went down check out house the bees were adjusting. I am not scared of bees but there is something instinctually unnerving about being surrounded by hundreds bees and hearing buzzing from all directions and distances. I consciously knew I was fine but my subconscious must have been freaking out because my skin tingled and I became super alert. I asked Kat a lot of questions about the bees and learnt about beekeeping. Just before leaving for the day we shoveled sheep manure onto a row that will soon be planted with blueberry bushes.

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