Monday, May 24, 2010

Herding Chickens

5/24 Day Eleven
Hours: 6.5

I saw a chicken lay an egg right in front of me for the first time today while doing chicken chores. A chicken was standing right in front of me as I was cleaning out the coop and all of a sudden out popped an egg. I picked the egg up to put in the basket and it was still warm. I collected twenty-two eggs. Kat, Tyler, and I moved the chicken tractor that Brewster resides in to a patch of clover near the raspberries. Herding the chickens 200 feet to their new enclosure was a true man vs. bird battle. We carried sticks in our hands and spread out creating a semi-circle around the chickens. We attempted to guide them to the new enclosure. But, just as we would get all the chickens together near the new enclosure one chicken would escape and then they would all run off in different directions. We tried various other strategies, such as luring the chickens with food, before we finally trapped them by bringing the fence around behind them.
Based of the moon phases today was a root day. I planted root vegetables in the field and lay drip tape. In the afternoon Kat and I continued to work on the new chicken tractor. We are almost done with the roof and started to putting up chicken wire and a door. I am hoping bring the chicken tractor and five chickens to the senior project exhibition on Thursday, May 27, from 10:00-12:00.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Molly - I signed up to be on your review committee, because I'm fascinated by the work you're doing with Kat and hope to get some tips for how to make my veggie garden produce more. Your daily blog entries provide a great deal of insight into life on an organic farm. Can't wait to see the chicken tractor and its inhabitants. -- Judy
