Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to Drive a Tractor

5/18 Day Seven
Hours: 6.5
Today Kat and I moved the larger chicken enclosure and the two chicken tractors within. We moved the electric fencing then pushed the chicken tractors, basically chicken coops on wheels, to their new new site by the blackberries. I collected twenty-seven eggs this morning. I took pictures of all the different aspects of seed propagation. I hope to post some of the pictures in the very near future. For the rest of the day I covered two more rows with black plastic, spread lime and on a field, weed, and I had my very first tractor lesson. Kat demonstrated how to drive a tractor and allowed me to drive the tractor. I was a bit nervous at first since I don't know how to drive a standard car and sometimes question if I can even drive automatic. But, driving the tractor was much easier then I imagined.

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