Sunday, May 23, 2010

Weekly Reflection

This week on senior project I learned how to plant beans, build a chicken tractor, use a hammer and saw efficiently, move a chicken tractor, how to identify droids, worker bees, and the queen bee, and about germination need of different plants, and many other things. It is hard to list everything that I have been learning on senior project because I am learning new things every second but I am not thinking “Oh, now. Right now! I am learning. OK, now I am not. But, now I am”, as we do in classes.

The week went by smoothly without any surprises or confusion. Everything happened as I expected it would. really enjoyed the work I was doing this week. All the work that I do is worthwhile and beneficial to myself and the land. I am glad I was able to help build the new chicken tractor. One of my goals was to understand how a chicken tractor can benefit a small farm and to learn how to take care of chickens. What better way to learn about chicken tractors and chickens then to clean the tractor everyday, collect eggs, feed and water chickens, and build a chicken tractor? I will benefit from the work I do at the farm by gaining experience.

Just before senior project started I as worried that I wouldn’t be able to achieve the three goals I set in the fall when I wrote my proposal. But, after the first week I realized that all the work I was doing on the farm was helping me to reach the goals. I believe that at the end of the second week I have achieved my three goals. I haven’t completed all three activities that I proposed I would for each goal. I have done other activities instead of the proposed ones. I think that the activities replacing the proposed ones were practical and hands on. A lot of the activities I proposed were things that I already knew how to do like take photographs, make lists, graphs, and write explanations. I didn’t know what kind of activities would go into propagation seeds because I didn’t know how to propagate seeds. I had to learn a bit more about my goals before I knew what activities would steer me in the right direction. You can’t write your directions until you know the destination.

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