Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last Day

5/25 Day Twelve
Hours: 6

When I arrived at the farm at 8 AM it was already over 60 degrees. By mid-day it reached 90 degrees. In the morning I went about my daily routine recording temperatures and doing chicken duty. Then lay black plastic, weeded, and secured the pea fence. Today was a flower day so Kat and I planted flower bulbs in the hoop house. In the afternoon we continued to work on the chicken tractor. The tractor is nearly finished it just needs a few more details added. You can look for the chicken tractor and five chicken in front of the meeting house on Thursday morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Molly,
    Can't wait to see the chicken tractor. How are the chickens holding up in this heat? Not sure when your project review is yet, but Matt emailed me to find out when I'm available. Will see you the Project show.
