Monday, May 17, 2010

Flower Day

5/17 Day Six
Hours: 6.5

I arrived at the farm at 8:30 and began my morning routine with chicken duty and green house temperatures. I collected twenty eggs that were laid sometime between seven o'clock last night and nine this morning. Just as I was finishing chicken duty I saw that one of the hens, who's notorious for escaping was running around in the grassy field just outside of her enclosure. I failed to out smart her by luring her to the fence with food. I ran around after her for a bit attempting to catch her but yet again the hen was undefeated. Later in the day she wondered back into the enclosure on her own. Based on biodynamics and the moon planting calender today was a good day to work with flowers. Knowing that today was a flower day many of the days activities involved flowers. Kat and I planted Dahlia bulbs that had been stored in the basement during the winter in plastic tubs filled with peat moss. We transplanted flower seedlings into trays of seventy-two, and Snapdragons into the ground in a hoop house. Two new bee hives arrived at the farm over the weekend. The beehives are a new design that some farmers in the county were asked to test. Rather then looking like a drawer the new hives look like a cradle. The new hives also have a glass window in the back so that you can look inside the hive and see the bees at work. Special attention was spent today making sure all the plants received enough water because it was so hot and dry. I spent some time today looking at the farm records for the past few years to see the kind of planning and organization that goes into running a small farm. In the afternoon we transported bags of fertilizer from the barn to a field planted with a cover crop. Kat and I worked on designing the new chicken tractor we are going to build later this week.

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