Monday, May 10, 2010

Share Day at AEMS

Hours: 7.5
Day One. Share Day at Andover elementary/middle school. I should have had coffee at breakfast. I arrive at AEMS at 8am to help Kat with the school garden workshops she was running. I had forgotten how energetic young children are. I am used to the old worn down children that fill Proctors campus dragging their feet between classes. The kids in the workshop were filled with energy. Our job was to focus their energy on gardening. When we did our job right they would be fighting each other to water the plants. Other wise they would walk off and do cartwheels or count bugs (In case your wondering there are 19 ants and 4 worms in the center bed). During the workshops we transplanted Parsley and Cilantro from trays to four packs, planted two varieties of beans, carrots, spring greens mix, and radishes, weeded, and transplanted chard and kale into the garden. After lunch we went to Two Mountain Farm. Kat and I moved the chickens fencing so them could graze a new area. I was warned that the rooster is aggressive and that I should carry a rake when I go near him in case he tries to attack me. I captured and held a hen that had escaped from the fencing. My favorite thing about the chickens are their eyes. The eyes remind me of dinosaurs. After having some fun with the chickens we planted seeds into trays, weeded, and planted mixed salad greens.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog - very descriptive of the young students!

  2. PA students = Old worn out children and Chickens are little dinosaurs! Tasty metaphors and descriptions. Fun stuff.Children are chaotic energy! Enjoy your time with them for your moments with them can transform them. Great post Molly.
