Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Confrontation with Brewster The Rooster

5/12 Day Three
Hours: 6.5

I get to the farm at 9:00 and start chicken duty alone. I go to the chicken enclosure that holds twenty very friendly orange hens first. I refill their food and water, clean out the poop, and collect fourteen eggs. After finishing the first enclosure I feel a little more confident that I knew what I am doing. I prepare myself for the second enclosure where I know I will have to face Brewster the rooster. I arm myself with chicken feed and a rake. Before stepping over the electric fence I throw a handful of food in the opposite direction from where I will be working. Once Brewster falls for the distraction I go in. I quickly clean the chicken arc and collect seven eggs. I am mindful of Brewsters actions. Each time Brewster stops eating and starts coming towards me I throw more feed. I leave the enclosure to get a bucket of feed to leave in the arc. When I get back Brewster is waiting for me. I throw feed into the corner but Brewster isn't fooled this time. His eyes remain fixed on me. Brewster the rooster is giving me the death stare. I walk over to another side of the fence hoping to circumnavigate the evil chicken. Brewster follows me. I decide to reclaim my authority and conjure up the meanest look I can give. Brewster and I stand on opposite sides of the fence staring each other down. I attempt to enter the chicken enclosure but before I can get a leg over Brewster comes at me. Kat having witnessed the battle offers to ward off Brewster with a rake while I run in and refill the feed bucket. Brewster is out to get me. I am sure of it. Hopefully, we can find a way to work together so that I can complete chicken duty without entering into mortal combat. I have been scheming up ways to deal with Brewster. One idea that I have is to wear a rooster costume and gain control as the larger more dominant male. Does anyone have a rooster costume I could borrow?

- Cover two rows with drip tape and black
- Put up fencing for peas to grow on
- Seed squash
- Shovel compost on blueberry row
- Transplant tomatoes in the hoop house


  1. Great post Molly! I, too, have had battles with evil roosters. The only real solution is to fricassee him. Using a child's saucer sled as a shield has worked also.

  2. this is so funny! i hope the rooster doesn't hurt you! my friend had to call the town sheriff to put down their rooster because it was so mean..
