Friday, May 14, 2010

What Kind of Vegetable Would You Be?

5/14 Day Five
Hours: 6

I arrived at the farm at 8:30 and started my morning routine of chicken duty and recording the max/min temperatures in the hoop house and green house. I collected twenty-four eggs from the three coops. Brewster gave me the evil eye but let me go about my job the first time I entered his enclosure. But, when I tried to get in a second time to refill the feed bucket he kept trying to attack me. For the rest of the day Kat and I work laying down remay on baby root crops in the field, transplanted flowers, seeded cucumbers, put hay in the hoop house aisles, and repaired a cold box. After leaving the farm I researched different kinds of chicken tractor designs. On Monday Kat and I plan to sketch designs for a new chicken tractor that we can build.

The question is what kind of vegetable or fruit best matches your personality? For instance. I like to think of a carrot as an introverted and kind person, a tomatoes as a spoiled diva that people love regardlessly, and a potatoes as a tough hard worker who enjoys sitting back and relaxing with a beer and a football game.

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